God’s wisdom is a gift to us and offers us things we cannot buy, like peace, happiness, and
security. The book of Proverbs applies the principles of God’s teaching to the whole of life, to
relationships, home, work, justice, decisions, attitudes, reactions, everything we do and say and
even think. Proverbs, part of Wisdom literature gives advice on how to live a prudent life, with
practical decisions for every individual. God’s word teaches us what is best for us and
experience proves it, though in our humanity, we do not always choose to embrace wisdom
and often go off the straight path. We have company with many who stumble.
Even if we falter, the best is that God is always waiting for us with open, loving arms to
carry us through any challenge. Whatever the question, love is the answer. Remind yourself
that when hard times come, God loves you and try to see an arduous experience as the
disciplinary love of a Father who cares for you deeply. Wisdom is the foundation of our
existence, providing perspective on life. Will we choose not to allow hardship to weigh us
down, and run instead into the arms of a Savior who promises to hold us close and grant us
guidance and peace?
In our caretaking, no matter what happens – a mistake, discouragement, illness, grief,
fear or worry, feel God’s presence (a matter of awareness) and reflect, am I really aware of the
depth and power of God’s love within me? Frequently, we lose focus and doubt God’s love is
greater than our darkness. The wisdom and discernment of the Holy Spirit can be drowned out
by the cries of our emotions. Wisdom is being led by the Spirit, not how we feel. Whenever you
feel down or depressed remember the great love God has for you. Be there for yourself, before
you can be there for anyone else!
God knows our brokenness, yet we often try to hide this from Him. Is our unworthiness
an obstacle to coming closer to the Lord or our perfection or expectations of ourselves? God’s
love will never quit, never give up and never leave us. Wisdom encourages us to wrap our
hearts and minds around the vastness of God’s love and believe the reality that nothing can
separate us from this great love. (Romans 8:35).
Wisdom is guided by understanding and the Scriptures have so many examples to
strengthen and sustain us. For instance, in the book of James, he writes how faith finds
expression in the life of a believer. James 1:5-6, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask
God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and he will be given it. But he should ask in
faith, not doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed
about by the wind.” Choose wisdom, trusting God to show us the straight path.