Caroline Cella
My name is Caroline Cella. with a Master’s Degree in Theology, plus a background in Clinical Pastoral Education, I have more than 40 years of ministry experience. For ten years at Catholic Health Service, (CHS) as Coordinator of Spiritual Care Companions (SSC,) produced several
training publications used throughout their system and other health care institutions.
In 2016, forming Embrace Caretaking, my objective was to assist people in helping others reach out with God’s heart to serve one another through love and listening, whether caretaking on a one-one-one basis or for those visiting in hospitals and nursing homes. Creating a thorough training program (Seminar/Webinar) for pastoral care volunteers, offers a vehicle for deeper spiritual awareness, enabling us to encourage and inspire one another, through both the blog
and seminar trainings.
After receiving a number of requests for a manual based on my seminars, (trained over a thousand men and women from various denominations as skills-based volunteers for hospitals, nursing homes and the homebound, as well as other health care institutions,) developed a comprehensive step-by-step, easy to follow (8 unit/20 Hours,) Spiritual Care Visitor How-to-Training Manual, with every necessary component for a successful program, including instructions for beginning managing and/or seeking to improve a Volunteer Program. (Due to the current pandemic, seminars on the Spiritual Care Visitor program are on hold.)
In 2019, I created Care for the Caregiver, a one-on-one six unit twelve hour program designed to give caregivers freedom to experience feelings and concerns with the challenges of caretaking in all its facets. (Webinar program.)
Every part of our lives we are taking care of our family, friends and ourselves. Unfortunately, due to our brokenness, we often have issues in our relationships. Plus, there are times our failure to take physical, emotional and spiritual care of ourselves leads to health issues. With the blog and forum section we hope to have ripple effects of compassion and life encouragement for others. We each have a story and in the sharing of our faith, we help one another.
Please note: The Forum is a judgment free zone and comments are kind or not at all. Thank you for your contributions and suggestions.