Keeping a Spiritual Journal
Spiritual journaling is a way of thinking things through in your soul.
It is a way of talking to God.
It preserves some of your thoughts for future reference.
Journaling frees you to explore the hidden parts of your heart, giving meaning to your life.
Begin by quieting yourself down,
You may find deep breathing helpful to center,
Ask God to draw near…
What’s Included:
Your thoughts, feelings, images about your life right now.
Bible verses that have special meaning for you.
Experiences that are meaningful to you.
A new awareness of God.
Try writing directly to God (Dear God, I…)
Favorite prayers, quotes, sayings that inspire you.
Note any images that touch your life (a bird crossing the sky, etc.)
How to Begin:
Simply write, including everything.
Try writing from a feeling, accepting whatever comes to mind and simply note it in your journal.
How to End:
Ask God for whatever you need,
Believe that God hears you.
Trust that God is with you, loving you,
And wanting good for you.