In this winter of darkness, we gravitate to ‘light’ hoping to lift any sorrows or cares. King
David wrote this psalm, setting aside his fears (vv1-3), finding release in communion with God
(vv4-6) and prayer (vv7-14.) Fear is rooted in a sense of our vulnerability and helplessness. We
are reminded God is a strongly fortified place where we are invited to dwell. As caretakers and
for our loved ones, even if we have to stretch to ‘see’ with eyes of faith, be confident the
blessings of light surround each of us.
We are inspired by Isaiah 60:1, “Arise! Shine, for your light has come, the glory of the
Lord has dawned upon you.” The prophet Isaiah is talking about the future glorious kingdom.
Further on v4, ‘lift up your eyes and look.” If we simply look around us and see the present
distress, we may well be discouraged. But if we look up, or if we look ahead, the situation is
very different. Everything around us is transformed by the certainty that our God is near.
God’s presence is further illuminated in Isaiah 60:19-20, “No longer shall the sun be
your light by day, nor shall the brightness of the moon give you light by night; Rather, the Lord
will be your light forever, your God will be your glory. No longer will your sun set, or your moon
wane; For the Lord will be your light forever, and the days of your grieving will be over.” Also in
the book of Revelation 21:3, “I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, God’s
dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people and God
Himself will always be with them as their God.”
Are you actively looking for light in your life? It would seem from Jesus’ words in the
Gospel of John 12:46, “I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in Me
might not remain in darkness,” we are not meant to stay in darkness. It is good to remember
that pretty much everything in life is temporary. Whether it is illness, divorce, death whatever,
as we seek the Lord, light and answers come. Are we aware that we might be imprisoned by
particular fears and anger? Perhaps I need to look at myself with God’s eyes. I believe I would
see that I have God’s life coursing through me, that I am God’s beloved, as are each of us. Not
just saying the words, believing them is the challenge.
Thankfully, friends help us to see the light. My calendar saying by Stasi Eldredge, “The
gift of friendship among women is a treasure not to be taken lightly. Women friends become
the face of God to one another – the face of grace, of delight, of mercy.” How blessed we are
that we have the light we need in one another. Gratefully, we remind one another the only cure
for fear is trust in God.