Often in our humanness, looking only at our circumstances, our trust can waver. I have been known to say, ‘If only I had more faith.’ Gratefully, a good friend reminded me that what makes faith valid is not ‘how much’ we have, but Who we have faith in. It’s not how strong our faith is, it’s how strong the One we believe in is.
With all the responsibilities of caretaking, we tend to run low on hope, particularly when our efforts appear futile. God sends us friends supporting us to sense His love and presence and perhaps inviting us to select a prayer partner to share our needs, double our support and help us to mentor each other. When our vision grows foggy – spiritually or physically, a friend or the Scriptures can remind us that even if the way seems dark, the light will arise, as we trust in the Lord. Pooling our wisdom and sharing our experiences in a safe place is often a great gift!
Being aware of who we are surrounded by and how we think, can also affect how we trust. We can’t hold onto the past and expect the new. Trust means having confidence that God sees the entire picture and though we might not know what to do, God does. Our enduring faithfulness and close relationship to the Lord means we continue to trust in God’s love and look beyond where we are, to see from God’s perspective, trusting He has our backs.
The prophet Jeremiah wrote during a difficult period of exile for the Israelites and while he encouraged trust in the Lord, as the earlier verse noted, this verse speaks of His love. Jeremiah 31:3 “With age-old love I have loved you; so have I kept My mercy toward you.” It is love we need to focus on, so we have the capability to trust each day. Do we take time to consider the countless ways, God says, “I love you” each moment? Living reflectively, we will notice where God has been acting in our lived experience and we will see love-notes from the Lord, like special moments with friends, desires filled after much praying and hoping, loved ones reuniting and much more.
As we know, worry is the opposite of trust. God knows what we need and reminds us not to be consumed by ceaseless anxiety, but rather to place our trust in the Lord and live in peace. In order to live in this peace, we need to fill ourselves with hope, wholeness and faith. Practicing trust daily, doesn’t mean we will never be discouraged. God doesn’t force His way into our lives, we need to open the door for Him. Putting our trust in Him and stepping out in faith, enables God to do great things through us, for us and for those we love.
Nothing is instant and as we wait and trust the Lord, we gain confidence. Will we choose to live the following words? Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord, take courage; be stouthearted, wait for the Lord.”