This cry of anguish as the psalmist pleads with God for his life and is assured of God’s
answers, mirrors many of our lives in our plea for mercy. It can seem we have been through a
desert this past year, where there are more questions than answers, whether in our personal
lives and caretaking or the pandemic and world situation. Hurting it can seem God has turned
His back and that is not true. He is walking beside you through this desert. He will always love
you and is always, always faithful! The Psalms speak of God’s power, presence, intentions, and
protection from fears. God still speaks and we are encouraged to open our Bibles, listen, and
trust the direction for our lives.
Can you begin to look at the hard moments of your life and find the places where God
poured grace into them? Throughout our lives, we each have a journey of God’s faithfulness
and yet wallowing in our difficulties, our focus is usually on what we are missing, not how much
we already have. Throughout the challenges, can we find things to be grateful for and recognize
those spaces? Suze Orman writes, “When you are grateful, when you can see what you have,
you unlock blessings to flow in your life.” I am personally grateful to be able to connect with
family and friends via Zoom, Facetime, and other applications, during these unusual days. Can
we notice the things that bring us joy and light, however, simple and set an intention to ‘see’
with new eyes? Yes, it takes work and perhaps by stripping away comforts, this experience will
expose an unshakable faith that is sitting deep within us.
As anxious thoughts begin to well up in us, stop as soon as you notice them and turn to
God in prayer. Remind yourself that God is with you and that He will help you release your
burdens and concerns into His hands. Exercise your faith in God’s love and provision by trying
your best to keep moving forward. We know what it is like to pour ourselves out for someone.
It is exhausting and can make us feel sad, resentful, or anxious. Trust that God is with you,
especially in those moments when you feel as if you cannot do one more thing. He will not
abandon you! Not only will you feel His presence, but you may even feel His delight in your
willingness to serve. Years ago, God’s promise to me, “Persevere, for I will be with you.” This
did not mean that the troubles went away, it meant God’s love carried me regardless of any
outside circumstances. Can you believe this promise for yourself?
We take inspiration from the words of Lamentations 3:22-25, “The Lord’s acts of mercy
are not exhausted, His compassion is not spent; They are renewed each morning – great is Your
faithfulness! The Lord is my portion, I tell myself, therefore I will hope in Him. The Lord is good
to those who trust in Him, to the one that seeks Him.”
Good Morning ... this beautiful message could not have been delivered at a more perfect time. Thank you Caroline for your words of wisdom. I was moved to tears when I read “persevere, for I will be with you” It was a release that I really needed & I feel so much better. I recognize the blessings in the valley’s of my life the last several weeks & I find hope that the mountain top moments will come again as long as I hold onto my faith. Amen 🙏🏻