The Bible, God’s love letter to us, gives us assurance that God knows us intimately and
has called us by name. We belong to Him, and these verses demonstrate the close relationship
between God and His people, highlighting His redemptive love and the promise of His presence
and restoration. The fact that God calls us by name and understands us on such a deep level is a
testament to His love and care for each of us. Though the Israelites continue to disobey, yet
God forgives. He sets them free because He loves them.
These words are for us too. How many times do we falter in our call to be caretakers,
and in our life, whether losing our tempers or whatever. We receive greater encouragement in
further verses in this chapter, vs4, “Because you are precious in My eyes and honored and I love
you, I give people in return for you and nations in exchange or your life.” Also, vs7, “All who are
called by My name I created for My glory; I formed them, made them.” This reminds us of our
divine identity and the responsibility to live in a way that reflects the glory and honor of our
Heavenly Father.
It would be a good Lenten practice, if as you go through the day, try to look at your life
through the lens of God’s enduring love. When we do It can change us. It is impossible to
reflect on God’s enduring love and not break out into expressions of gratitude. Psalm 136
begins and ends with ‘Give thanks,’ with reflections of God’s enduring love in between. Twenty-
six times, in response to a phrase either about God’s character, creation or work on behalf of
His chosen ones, the psalmist repeats, “His love endures forever.” He is forever rescuing us.
Do we really believe that God loves us unconditionally? He may not always like our
behavior, but we can be confident in His enduring love. Despite our questions, God’s love is
larger than any doubts and our finite minds. As we recall, God’s enduring love in turbulent.
times, give thanks to the Lord and be comforted in knowing He will never leave or forsake us.
Trust in God’s enduring love particularly when facing an impossible situation, recall no flame
will consume, and recognize God is always faithful even when we are faithless.
When we are in pain, it is more difficult to trust and believe. Challenging times offer us
the opportunity for growth and a deeper understanding of God’s plan. Will we trust God is
working for our good, even when we cannot see it? May we feel the gentle embrace of His love
as He transforms hardships into blessings, guiding us to His perfect plan.