This psalm of thanksgiving reminds us that God’s love and mercy endure forever (vv1-4) and vv5-6 give us comforting solace that the Lord answers, reminding us not to be afraid. There are 365 verses in the Bible to fear not, be not afraid, etc. so it appears that fear is a constant battle. With all the ups and downs of caretaking, there is probably not a day that goes by, we don’t ‘feel’ fear. The key is persevering, doing the necessary, despite our fears, trusting God’s love to carry us.
We are all broken people who need to lean on the Lord, knowing we cannot go on alone. Where would we be without the love of God? Surely this is a question for a lifetime of reflection. I pray you have eyes to see how God sends encouraging signs of love, particularly in moments of discouragement. Gratefully this month, I received three incidents of people’s extraordinary goodness, which to me is God’s love with skin on.
The first was my granddaughter, Anna, (far from home) had an allergic reaction being sent to the hospital by ambulance from the urgent care where she left her car. On her return, in the same parking lot, she stopped in Panera’s for food and the counter person hearing her story, wouldn’t let her pay. Anna’s tears after her ordeal were healing and this kindness so unexpected and appreciated. Second, my male cousin got lost on his way to my house and forgetting his phone, he knocked on a stranger’s door. Seeing his upset a lovely young woman let him use her phone, talked to me getting directions and led him to my house with her car. Overly kind in today’s world and again, God with skin on.
Lastly, I lost a lotto ticket made out by my husband and when I retraced my steps after fifteen minutes, a nice gentleman was about to enter the store where I purchased it and return the tickets. He said to me, because that’s what you do. I explained how meaningful it was for me to get back the ticket because my husband died last year. He shared the hairs on his arm were raised. Thanking him, I said he was my angel, and I would pray for him. I knew, despite my distraction losing the lotto card, God’s love was holding me, enabling me to get to the store at the exact time the man did. Some may say this is coincidence, but I prefer what I have heard ‘coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.’
In today’s world with so much dissension, we often forgetgoodness and kindness and these incidents helped me recall that God is still in heaven, guiding and loving us and that despite our brokenness, hears our cries. Psalm 34:19, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed.” Let’s follow the words of 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your worries upon Him because He cares for you.”