A short psalm that remind us to become like a child and let the Lord hold our hand as we attempt to traverse this at times difficult world, while also navigating our caretaking situations. As a baby, we might have been accustomed to take food by nursing and being weaned enabled us to take the first steps in our growth. Detaching from that dependence, we took steps to go our own way, not necessarily following God’s path through the years.
The Psalm tells us that the arrogant rely on themselves and refuse to submit to God, but the true believer is as dependent on God as a little child is on his parents. We probably all want to trust and yet allow our fears to become center too many of the times. To move forward in faith, can we learn to sit with our fear, to recognize it, to name it and to pray for the grace to be released from it? Jesus asked His disciples in the presence of the storm, “Why are you afraid?” The question is still relevant and through reflection, may we begin to discover true freedom beyond the reach of trials and tribulations. God has not left us alone in any of this.
Caretaking can be all consuming and within our own strengths and human frailty, we allow anxious thoughts to overtake us, but meditation and God’s word can help us overcome anxiety and hopelessness. Reading and studying God’s word for hope and strength in these uncertain and unprecedented times, empower us to continue to carry the hope of the resurrection. This represents rebirth, renewal and hope and that better days will come. Painful situations will not last forever and as we lean on the Lord, we gain strength with our hope for resurrection moments.
Richard Rohr says, “God is doing all sorts of things that we cannot see, measure, control, or fully understand. But it is an informed faith that allows us to fall in love with such a God.” Sometimes it feels like we are in a desert and yet our belief that God finds a way to use hardship to bring us closer to Him, helps us recall that God’s love covers whatever situation we face. Being aware of the challenges and opportunities involved in caretaking, we are called to cut ourselves slack, giving our cares and burdens to the Lord and trusting our experiences of transition and change each day.
We are always God’s children (no matter our age,) and though we cannot comprehend His ways, are led to depend on the Creator. While it takes discipline to keep trusting midst chaos, we are reminded, “Let the children come to Me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14. How can we live in God’s presence to gain new perspective?