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Unshakable Trust

As troubles circle around us, many times to a greater degree, our recourse is to cry to the Lord, our refuge. In this psalm, written by King David, after he had to flee because King Saul was going to have him killed (1 Samuel 19:11-17,) David cries out as a persecuted innocent. As caretakers, do we identify when our loved one is cranky, inconsiderate and ungrateful for anything we endeavor to do for them, that in a way, we feel we are being persecuted? We understand and know they don’t necessarily mean to be this way, but still it isn’t easy trying to remain faithful. It is our trust in the Lord that carries us to continue in love.

Midst David’s enemies, he was able to praise the Lord and trust in God’s love. This is also our call to keep our eyes on the Lord and sing of God’s strength. We gain victory over our fears through trusting in God’s ever-present help. Unfortunately, often in our distress, we project into the future and attempt to take control of the not-yet events. As we focus on the future, it becomes a ‘problem focus’ and worry and fear permeate. Shifting our ‘focus,’ leaning on God’s presence, trusting the mercy of the Lord to lead us through the unknown, will help us to sing of God’s strength.

In my experience, I didn’t know the degree of my faith, till it was put to the test. With God’s grace, I continue to be thankful and trust whatever is going on is going to work out. Even though I may not ‘see,’ I believe God is working right now behind the scenes. Much changes in our attitudes in the waiting time. I have trusted that God wants the best for me and those I love. While nothing is instant, prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, listening to Christian music, etc. all help to fortify trust. God does not want us to suffer. He can only allow it because of the good it can accomplish. Suffering helps us become more understanding, compassionate and deeper persons. Suffering can deepen us ways we cannot anticipate and only God seems to know. As we have these experiences, we sometimes find out the wisdom God has concealed. I am encouraged by Helen Keller’s words, “When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” Many times, God uses the miracle of our lives to enliven and strengthen others and all brings glory to God.

As we ‘show up’ for prayer, God is infinitely creative in these times and in how He reveals Himself. This is the moment when we can draw near, connect and know how close God really is. Keeping our eyes open for God’s presence will allow us to see the many signs of love that surround us. Can you share your story of ‘trust?’

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