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The All-Knowing & Ever-Present God


​In the twenty-four verses, Psalm 139, tells us God knows everything about us, from forming us in our inmost being, knitting us in our mother’s womb, to knowing even before a word is on our tongue. I hope you can say with me, ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’

In my 8th grade graduation book, a friend wrote, she knew all about me and still loved me. If this is a human effort, how much more is God’s love for us. God knows my past and future and even knows things about me that I don’t know myself. I trust that one day, I will be where God calls me to be. Sometimes my way seems aimless and directionless, particularly what paths are best for those I care for and myself. Only with God’s constant guidance am I able to find peace and hope, but the key is maintaining ongoing connection.

Journeying or resting, I am confident, I am known, delighted and loved by God and made wonderfully in His plans. I am encouraged to keep my eyes on the Lord during all ups and downs, finding comfort through knowing that all my times are in God’s hands. Each day, I set a strong purpose to trust God enough to let Him lead. In all honesty, I often go ahead of the Lord and make things worse.

Despite my indiscretions, what a faithful and reliable God I have. In times of doubt, I am granted signs of His presence that strengthen my faith. There are signs everywhere, as described in the book,’ When God Winks at You.’ Scripture reminds us of the sign of the rainbow God showed to Noah. “I have set My bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13) How grateful I am for God never forgetting His covenant with me and renewing it daily.

St. Augustine says, that he sought God in many places, but found Him ultimately within himself. However, softly we speak, God is near enough to hear us. All we need to do is seek some solitude and look at God within ourselves. He knows all our thoughts and longing and it is God’s loving actions which can turn our stony hearts into clay, a beautiful thanksgiving overflowing from God’s blessings.

How can I get to know and trust God more? Perhaps by seeking God’s face, not looking at the ‘circumstances,’ which often frighten and lead into despair. All of Psalm 139 is helpful to pray, and verse 7 reminds us, God’s presence is everywhere. “Where can I hide from Your Spirit? From Your presence, where can I flee?”

I pray for all of us, verse 23, “Probe me, God, know my heart; try me, know my concerns.” Can you trust and make this your prayer also?

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